All Hallow’s Wiener is upon us, Enemaniacs and to celebrate, we recorded a very special mini-episode for Episode 13! If for some reason you decided to avoid the crowds of dudes dressed up as Justin Bieber and girls dressed up as Snooki tonight, you can curl up for at least forty minutes with us, kind of!
For this special Halloween episode of The Enematic Cinematic Podcast, the spooky shitty movie we tortured ourselves with was 1988’s non-scary slasher film Hollow Gate about a disturbed dude who decides to kill teenagers every Halloween to get back at his alcoholic father who shoved his face in an apple bobbing bucket as a kid. Basically. I guess he also decided to kill his Grandma as well, but in his defense, she did make a very offensive request for a nut cake. Check out the family fun holiday trailer below.

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