"...So, you're the one that fed Fang the window." |
Each year, as the futuristic future looms ahead and most of us prepare
for the inevitable world 1980's apocalypse that will force everyone to
live in "New Arizona," drive quads and wear mohawks, the fortune telling
gypsies at Empire Pictures were hard at work at a vision of things to
come, aka 1989's straight-to-video sci-fi non-classic, ARENA! Taking
place in the foreseeable year of 4038, our prime entertainment is the
Arena fighting match, pitting alien against
alien...that is until Earth man/short order cook Steve Armstrong gets a
chance in the ring. Will Steve be the first humanoid Arena champion
since the last one? Will the blonde lady he likes intercourse him?
Will the actors boxing in the alien suits die of heat stroke? Only time
(and this terrible movie) will tell!
Hosted by:
(Comedian/TEC Creator/Lover of Tackiness)
(Comedians/Filmmakers/Major Movie Nerds)
Technical Adviser/DJ:
(Artist/Cartoonist/Producer Of Things)
Special guest
(Champion Comedian/Humanoid/Bear Boxer)
PLUS trivia w/prizes from The White Rabbit, Scarecrow Video and Ugly
Baby Shower Art!! Specially themed cocktails to help you make it through
that last round and a brawling good time!!
Doors @ 7:30
Show starts @ 8:00 PM
Be sure to come early and enjoy some awful movie trailers!!
*Every second Tuesday of the month at The White Rabbit in Fremont, The
Enematic Cinematic LIVES brings you the awesomely fun experience of
watching a shitty movie with friends, strangers and booze, combined with
a live taping of The Enematic Cinematic Podcast starring you as a live
audience person and featuring some of the funniest comics/performers and
general randoms off the street in town! COME for the horribly shitty
movie w/comedic commentary and STAY for The Enematic Cinematic Podcast
taping LIVE! NO COVER!
"A little gem...you don't want to miss it!"--GeekWire.com
"Interesting."--Vern, AintItCoolNews.com
"Cleansing?"--Lindy West, Jezebel.com
Sponsored by Scarecrow Video
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